Hace mucho mucho tiempo siempre pensé que Barkley era el máximo exponente en esta área pero me sorprendió que todo mundo decía que los peores siempre fueron Gary Payton y Reggie Miller. Así que decidí buscar algunas anécdotas o frases celebres y no encontré nada muy interesante. Lo que me encontré por todas partes fueron estas historias de Larry Bird:
- Historia cortesía de Dennis Rodman.
"I would be all over him, trying to deny him the ball, and all Larry was doing was yelling at his teammates, I`M OPEN!!! HURRY UP BEFORE THEY NOTICE NOBODY IS GUARDING ME!!!!!!!" then he would stick an elbow in my jaw and stick the jumper in my face, then he would start in on my coach "Coach you better get this guy out and send in somebody who`s going to D me up, becuase its too easy when I`m wide open like this"
-Larry Bird trash talk moment in a game against Seattle. He told Xavier McDaniel where he'd score from, got the ball, and scored with 2 seconds left on the clock. He said, "Damn! I didn't mean to leave any time left on the clock."
- During one game on Christmas Day against the Indiana Pacers, before the game Bird told Chuck Person that he would give him a Christmas present. During the game, when Person was on the bench, Bird shot a three-pointer on the baseline right in front of Person. Immediately after the shot, Bird said to Person, "Merry Christmas!", and then the shot went in
- During the three-point shooting contest on All-Star Weekend 1986, Bird came in, started looking around without saying a word, then finally said "I'm just looking around to see who's gonna finish up second." He indeed won the shooting contest
- In a game against the Seattle Supersonics with the game all tied up, Bird told Supersonics forward Xavier McDaniel, who was guarding him, exactly where he would hit the game winning shot. After a timeout, Bird made two baseline cuts, then posted in the exact spot he had indicated to McDaniel, paused and turned and hit the shot in his face.
- On a night in 1984 versus Philadelphia where Larry Bird was outscoring Julius Erving by a margin of 42–6, he continuously informed Erving of their tallies every chance he got, which resulted in first a shoving match, then swings taken by both players and culminated in a bench-clearing brawl
Ésta de Jordan:
-In the Hardwood Classics video, they put a mic on Jordan in a Pistons game, and he was trash talking Lindsay Hunter all over the offensive end. ("I'll give you a jump shot, right here. Go ahead, take it. You don't want it?!?" etc.)
Y una de Lebron:
-Lebron to Arenas at Game 6 playoffs, while Arenas is lining up for 2 free throw shots, Washington up by 1: "If you miss these, you know who's gonna hit the game winner", in which Arenas does end up missing both free throws, and King James does indeed grab the rebound n lay in the game winner.
(vía redflagdeals.com).
Me pregunto ¿quién habrá sido el peor de toda la historia?
¿BJ Armstrong?
¿Thunder Dan Majerle?
¿Rik Smits?
¿Oliver Miller?

¿Danny Ainge?

Díficil decisión. ¿A quién proponen?
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